I think I came to this realization while I was at Costco (of all places). Aside: I love the new Costco in Parker, it is unbusy, it is 2 miles away instead of 6, and I don't feel like I have to have a reason to go all the way over there because it is just right here. I was looking through books for some cookbooks and christmas presents. There were 5 pro-Obama books and 1 anti-Obama book. There were no McCain books of any kind. Then I went down to kids books and there was a kids book called Barack. Again, no McCain books anywhere in sight. I suddenly felt like I was living 75 years ago in Germany.
They say history repeats itself. They say we study history so that we can learn from the mistakes of the past. Apparently, we have been sleeping through history class.
Let's review the facts:
- Hitler was was of mixed race, one of which he was ashamed of and wanted to eradicate.
- Barack Hussein Obama is of mixed race, one of which he would like to eradicate (read his autobiography).
- Both came to power under legitimately, albeit rapidly and were relatively unknown to the masses when they were elected.
- Immediately Hitler began to indoctrinate the youth with their ideals.
- Obama has a comprehensive plan for teaching sex at every grade level including kindergarten. (I think all sex education should be taught at home.)
- Obama feels the need to market a book at children, who can't vote, about himself and his ideals before he is even elected.
- Hitler was beloved by his people as their savior.
- The MSM (main stream media) has all but anointed Obama.
- Obama is the most "liberal" (meaning left-wing crazy) in the Senate.
- Obama lies about his associations with terrorist and other hate-groups.
- Obama wants to kill capitalism and socialize everything. He doesn't understand economics. (I'll post about that later.)
He does no work while taking our tax dollars. He almost never votes on issues in the Senate. He usually votes "present." That's like getting marked present in school but sleeping all day.
Obama wants to be the leader of the free world, but has no opinions on most legislation that comes through the Senate.
The similarities continue (and more are welcome in the comments).
I want a HUGE sign for my front yard that explains to the lemmings out there how bad a choice Obama would be. Maybe my sign should say:
Maybe that is too subtle. Maybe the words are too big. Maybe it should just say:
Oh, don't think McCain is getting off scot-free. I am saving that rant for another day.