
Tea Party

I have been thinking for the last few weeks about the Boston Tea Party.  I want to get my government's attention.  I want them to know how I feel about their "leadership."  I want them to know that I am not afraid to rise up in revolt against them.  I want them to know that I am unafraid of a revolution to "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

Yesterday, I heard about the "Chicago Tea Party" that was held in Cincinnati and was very excited about the idea.  Then I was sent this website by my great husband:  taxdayteaparty.com   Then went to their website and joined the Facebook Group.  And then I read that I could win free stuff if I blogged about it.  (I wasn't really thinking about blogging about it, but then I realized that I should be blogging about it because I am thinking about it so much and I am sooooo excited for this whole idea to take shape.)  So if you want to get free stuff too (and who wouldn't want free stuff)  go to this page: taxdayteaparty.com/contest.html and check out the stuff you can win over here at the store. (You can buy the way cool stuff at that site too.)

While you are at the main page take a moment to read the message and find out where your nearest Tax Day Tea Party will be held.  There are 2 within an hour of me.  There should be one close to you.  I think I will go, but maybe to the one in Springs  so its not so crowded!

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